European Union grants permanent residents status to individuals who migrate from one European country to another and stay there for five years. They have some other set of rules for giving permanent residents rights to the people of third nations. Hong Kong and Macau are the two specific administrative units of China wherein permanent resident is a right that extends to people enjoying the right to abode in these territories.
There is a long list of countries that provide permanent residents status to foreigners. But likewise, they also have a long list of conditions that one must fulfil to become one. Some Countries do withhold many rights of the people that are not natives to the country but are part of it as they enjoy the status of permanent residents. Limitations include withholding their voting rights and not allowing them to occupy Public office. Many countries give relaxation for these limitations as well
Permanent residents Permanent residents in many countries qualify to apply for citizenship. Permanent residents have to oblige to the conditions that the foreign country imposes on them, and irresponsive behaviour may lead to loss of status. They have to comply with the time for which a foreign country allows them to reside in other states. In case they become a threat to National security country will cease its permanent residency status immediately.